Latest News
This is the place that we
call the Galactic Gazette. Here you
can find all of our news related to latest releases and
hotfixes of our published skins. The first articles of
the Galactic Gazette were published in the Un4seen
Because this is a really basic website, you will
notice that all the articles are published in just one page. My
apologies if you have to scroll too much. Sorry, it wasn't my
intention to make your thumb aches.
It's been a long trip
8th, 2019
I can't believe how time
goes by.
AstralSoup Design had
begun a long time ago as an experimental
proposal with a college friend, Kitsune Furan,
in search of usability and good-looking skin
developments under the XMPlay platform back in
2013. Several years later, we both splitted our
paths and I was the only one who worked with
skins here.
Named after two teen
FOXION skin designers in the MacOS days,
AstralSoup Design was the name I chose to unify
our releases. The idea was refocusing design
towards childish features. I wanted to bring
beautiful skins for music lovers, yet in a world
that has forgotten the art of skinning in favor
of modern consistent designs.
I miss those old days,
but I know time can't go back, and we have to
move forward with technology advancements. I
lost the interest because of that. I thought
this for several months, I also have new plans
in my life. It's time to farewell this
6-year-old project and thank those users who
chose an AstralSoup skin ever. I am aware of the
incomplete status of FOXION and the Stuff
Updater utility, sincerely I have no inspiration
to keep on developing those ones. Nevertheless,
you can ask me for the source files if you want
to continue with them.
I take this opportunity
to thank Ian Luck for his dedication when I had
one silly question after another regarding his
skinning engine, he also incorporated several
features to XMPlay to fit my crazy ideas, such
as the volume level huds between the music time
indicators (I always remember that). I also want
to thank Yanek, Raina and "r" for their valuable
It's been a great trip,
guys. Now it's time to begin another new. I will
miss the XMPlay skin development nights.
Nicolas W. Bahamondes
AstralSoup Design |
FoxionHD Public Beta 1 is
officially published!
February 6th, 2019
After several ping-pong bug
squashing (thanks for your help Ian
FoxionHD Public Beta 1 is now published in
the XMPlay Support Site. Isn't it a huge skin? This is
AstralSoup's biggest skin built ever, with an eye animation
sequence weighting 25MB uncompressed!
Suggestions are welcome, there are little things to polish
before reaching a final version. In the meantime, enjoy this